01723 892547 or 07806 805956 
Health & Social Care Training 
This is just a selection of the courses we offer. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please get in touch to discuss your requirements with a member of our team today. 

Food Hygiene IPC Training – Train Reaction 

A food hygiene infection prevention control course designed to teach attendees about food safety regulations, hazards, preventing food poisoning and effective infection prevention control. 
Who Food Hygiene IPC Training is For 
This training course is suitable for any individuals involved in food preparation and the serving of food in a range of settings – and is especially useful for those working healthcare and social care settings. 
Food Hygiene Infection Prevention Control Course Overview 
This food hygiene training covers the following topics: 
Responsibilities under the Food Safety Regulations 
Identifying food safety hazards 
The causes of food poisoning 
Methods to prevent food poisoning 
Effective Infection Prevention Control 
Practical application of IPC and food hygiene theories 
Food Hygiene Course - Delivery and Duration 
The Food Hygiene Infection Prevention Control course is normally delivered by Zoom Webinar and provides 2.5 hours of interactive learning. In addition, the course includes 1.5 hours of independent study which will be set by the trainer. 
If required, the course can also be delivered in person, either in a classroom setting or at your premises/service. The in-person training is delivered as a 4-hour course. 
Training includes immediate formative assessment via a test or scenario, and all attendees receive a certificate of completion upon successfully finishing the course. 
Book Food Hygiene Training 
For additional information about the Food Hygiene training course from Train Reaction or to book, please contact us today. 
Call 01723 892547 or email enquiries@trainreaction.co.uk